Tuesday 15 December 2015

Tips to Create a Blog Appear In Google Searches Top 10

  Tips to Create a Blog Appear In Google Searches Top 10 -     Each blogger will definitely want to make blog posts appear first on ... thumbnail 1 summary


Tips to Create a Blog Appear In Google Searches Top 10 -

Each blogger will definitely want to make blog posts appear first on google, the problem is not many people know how to tips to create a blog to appear in the top 10 Google search. How to make is to do SEO on your blog. In this post I will also discuss about the definition of keywords and example.
If you do not know what SEO is, you happen to visit this blog article, because I am going to discuss about what is SEO and Keyword in blog..SEO or stands (Search Engine Optimization) is a method or technique to make our blog or website ranks first in search engines such as search engines; Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
While keyword is a keyword that is in use on the blog that will appear in Google search. From the definition above is a simple keyword is a word or phrase in the search and in need. As an example ; Ehsan was given the task by his teacher to seek "Text Description", then he will look for in google with the keyword / keywords about the wording of the description text.
Tips And Trick SEO that I share this is actually a combination of the old SEO trick and trick SEO is a trend today. So if you follow the guidelines of SEO Blog on this blog article, then automatically your articles appearing in Google search page 10 / if competitors exceed the limit or thousands, I can not guarantee top 10, but what's wrong with trying not?
Okay, that's enough for the introduction to the SEO and keywordnya yes. Now we just going to discuss about Tips To Make Your Blog Appear In Google's Top 10 Searches.
1. Keyword ResearchFirst thing to do is start with Keyword Research. Keyword research is an idea in my opinion to make the prefix "Article Title" quality. If you are confused to make a title on your blog posts, you can visit the site "web who are willing to help you make the" Keyword / Keyword Research "in the title of your article, here are some websites to help you in finding Keyword:

• Ubbersuggest

• KeywordPlanner
Or you can create your own Keyword Research to be made juduk article on your blog, but do not forget to make a reasonable Keyword.

• Examples of keywords that make sense:

Tips to make a sponge cake, tips on maintaining eye health, How to create blogs easily, Etc.

• Examples of keywords that do not make sense:

Selling goods, Train Tickets Online, Online Movies, Shopping Bags Online, Etc.
The level of competition Keyword / keyword you can see on google by typing keywords that you want to see the competition. Then see the search results just above the first results of the keywords you input them. If the search results are above 10,000 then categorized as severe, if between 5000 to 9999 is classified, and for the number of searches under 5000 competition classified as easy.
2. Create a Title Unique And Interesting To The ViewThe title that you create must be unique, but if only unique course it is less effective, make the title unique and interesting to see or read. Title in a blog article is more important than the keyword or keywords in the title of the article you created.
In making the title of the article, there are some rules you should know, the rules such as:

• Limit the number of title character as much as 60 characters

(If more then written over 60 characters will not be visible on the search page)

• Use the article title case / default google

• Do not use the use of symbols
Some things that you can at least make a benchmark in making the title of the article on the blog.
3. Write Quality Articles

Quality article is an article that created itself without copy / copy articles from other blogs. But not completely write the article itself, because it would lead to decreased quality of their blog. Then how the trick?The trick is to encapsulate / combine information from various sources and in postingkan in your article, with your own style.With so articles that you create will be the most comprehensive in the article between articles from other sources, it is because you have summarized the entire article from a variety of sources. If you have done this then not in doubt that your blog will appear in the top 10 Google search.
4. Optimizing PermalinkPermanent link is link / url which will lead to an article on your blog. To use Blogger has provided permanent link in the right part of the typed article.Caution in the use of this feature because if its use could be one of your articles not included in Google search so use according to the guidelines below.According to Mozilla Tool Bar (9-12 words), according to Matt Cutt try (3-5 words), according to the Tool SEQQuake try to under 75 characters (7-9 words).If concluded, should take a middle course, I think the word that fits is 3-12 51-110 word or words.
5. Use Heading TagsHeading Tag is in need not only for SEO but to assist visitors in reading. Use heading tags as well as possible, because otherwise the SEO may not be clear, and so blog visitors are not happy to read it.
6. Add Description SearchDescription no direct searches to be activated by means of turning it in the menu after the blog. Many people who do not know how to turn a description of the search, and there are many people who do not care, but it is quite brilliant if you want to create a blog to appear in the top 10 Google search.Meta role Descripsion / Description search is for visitors interested to click on your site, with a note when making meta descripsion, you are required to "use words that attract so visitors will click on your site"
7. Add LabelLabels are useful for your blog, because it not only allows visitors to see your article category, but will decrease your bounce rate is causing your blog is getting good in the eyes of google search. That is bounce rate is if the article messy / unstructured it will be judged poorly by Google, then we must lower the bounce rate on our blog so that our blog at good value by google

8. LocationLocation on the blog articles are also very useful, for example; location of our region in Indonesia, then name the location in the region of Indonesia "do not use the city unless your article focused on the city, because it will only make Google less recognize it". With so google it will be easier to recognize your blog because you put the region on your blog site.9. Share / Share Into Social Media
This method is also a brilliant way to create a blog to appear in the top 10 Google search, because if you share your blog posts on social media, more and more people see it or clicking on it. It would be better if you make fanspage to your blog. If you make fanspagenya and you update it then, more and more people are Melike and visit your blog. Some social media are well known and you can share your article there are: facebook, twitter, feed, and google plus.
10. Get Backlinks From Various Blog
This is quite useful way, because if you possessed backlinks from other blogs "let alone blogs that have high page rank" then your blog will quickly appear in the main Google search.

how to get backlinks is by commenting to blogs that have page rank "like my blog hehe" example: a blog account you have a gmail address, nah gmail it used to comment on this blog then automatically your blog will go up a bit in page rank google.
Tips to Create a Blog That Appear In Google's Top 10 Searches, if you have correctly followed the guidelines as above, then insyallah your blog will go in the top 10 Google search. Thank you for visiting this blog, next time do not forget to stop by again yes .. because there will be an update of information and tips on Page Rank Blog.

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